Great issue, and definitely worth picking up. I'm still excited to see what's in store for Rebirth. Combined with the highly talented Laura Martin, Sharpe's pencils are perfect for this story. The art by Matthew Clark is decent, but Liam Sharpe's pencils towards the end are great. Rucka delves i nto the complexity behind Wonder Woman's character, examining her role as a symbol of peace and and as the god of war. Easily one of the best Rebirth one-shots to date, Rucka does a great job exploring what makes the character so great: her duality. Apart from those small issues, this is a great issue. And while he sets everything up brilliantly, he does seem a bit too harsh on Brian Azzarello's run on the character. It really seems like the only focus of this issue was to setup the upcoming "Lies" storyline. The only problem with this issue is the fact that Rucka doesn't really do much with the story. Rucka sets up the new status quo for Wonder Woman while exploring the constantly shifting nature of her origin. Arguably my most anticapated new DC title, Wonder Woman sees legendary writer Greg Rucka return to one of his most well-known works.